National Student Survey and Privacy
The National Student Survey exists for you to give your opinion on your course programme and school or university. Protecting your privacy is of utmost importance. To make sure students are well-informed about how their privacy is safeguarded during the organisation of the survey, Landelijk Centrum Studiekeuze has listed a number of frequently asked questions.
In the execution of the National Student Survey (NSE: Nationale Studenten Enquête), the demands set by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) are carefully observed.

Who is responsible for organising the survey?
The Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science has assessed that objective information about institutes of higher education and their course programmes can contribute to the quality and transparency of Dutch higher education. It is on the basis of that assessment that Landelijk Centrum Studiekeuze has been assigned the task of organising the National Student Survey. To this end, Landelijk Centrum Studiekeuze works closely with student organisations and Dutch institutes of higher education. The research institute MWM2 carries out the survey and the associated research.
Where did you get my email address?
When your university or university of applied sciences participates in the NSE, Landelijk Centrum Studiekeuze receives your email address. All Dutch institutes of higher education that offer accredited and publicly funded course programmes are required by the Higher Education and Scientific Research Act (WHW) to participate in the NSE. Landelijk Centrum Studiekeuze is responsible for organising the NSE, processing the personal data it receives for this purpose only. All email addresses that we have received will be deleted on 13 October 2025.
Landelijk Centrum Studiekeuze applies the principles as set out in the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). For more information, visit the website of the Dutch Data Protection Authority (Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens; information in Dutch).
What do you use my email address for?
Landelijk Centrum Studiekeuze uses your email address to invite you to participate in the National Student Survey. If you choose to participate, you will also receive an email when the National Student Survey results become available. Students who win prizes will also be contacted about their prize at the email address provided.
Do you receive any other personal data?
Aside from email addresses, Landelijk Centrum Studiekeuze receives some additional data from participating institutes of higher education. This data is necessary to only show you the survey questions that apply to you. We also need it to process the NSE results correctly.
Landelijk Centrum Studiekeuze receives the following data for this purpose:
- The name of your school or university (OIE_code);
- The location name of your school or university (vestigingscode);
- The city or town where your school or university is physically located;
- The title of your course programme (opleidingscode);
- Whether your programme is full-time, part-time or dual work-study;
- Whether you are a regular, post-master or pre-master student;
- Whether you are enrolled in an originally remote-learning programme;
- The level of your course programme (hbo or wo);
- Whether you are a first-year student;
- The language in which you receive your National Student Survey invitation (Dutch, English or German).
Certain details may be added, if they are relevant to your course programme. They are:
- The course programme variant, learning route or track you are pursuing;
- Whether you are an art student;
- A secondary email address that can be used to contact you (your school or university needs your permission for this);
- Any labels your institution would like to use to monitor their National Student Survey results, like whether you were part of the introductory period;
- Whether you are an international student.
What do you do with the results?
The National Student Survey results are used for:
- Study-selection information: prospective students can compare the scores of different programmes on the website
- Improving education: universities and universities of applied sciences use the results to determine where they can improve their programmes.
- National monitoring of student satisfaction: various organisations – including the Inspectorate of Education; the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science (OCW); the Expertisecentrum inclusief onderwijs (ECIO); and umbrella organisations the Association of Universities (Universiteiten van Nederland) and Association of Universities of Applied Sciences (Vereniging Hogescholen) – use the results to monitor trends in student satisfaction over several years so that they can set their policies accordingly.
- Research: the National Student Survey results are publicly available and retrievable for (scientific) research purposes. On request, Landelijk Centrum Studiekeuze will grant access to the NSE benchmark file. This is an anonymised file that does not comprise personal information.
How is my privacy safeguarded?
Landelijk Centrum Studiekeuze does not know your identity. While the study is in progress, Landelijk Centrum Studiekeuze can link your questionnaire responses with the email address provided by your university or university of applied sciences, through which you are invited to take part in the National Student Survey.
During the period in which the study is conducted, you have the right to have your personal data deleted. Landelijk Centrum Studiekeuze must keep your email address on file to be able to delete you from our databases if you choose so. Read more on how to submit such a request on the Viewing, correcting or removing data page.
Your email address will be deleted on 13 October 2025. From then on, Landelijk Centrum Studiekeuze cannot process any more requests to view, correct or remove your personal data.

2025 NSE Privacy Statement
Read the Privacy Statement for detailed information on how Landelijk Centrum Studiekeuze handles your personal data while conducting the 2025 NSE.
What information does my university or university of applied sciences receive if I participate in the National Student Survey?
Your participation in the National Student Survey is anonymous, unless you indicate otherwise. Your answers to the survey questions will be anonymised before they are sent to your university or university of applied sciences. If your institution’s population is less than five students, the National Student Survey answers will not be sent to your institute of higher education in order to safeguard your anonymity.
Some institutions plan to carry out more detailed analyses using the National Student Survey answers. This helps them, for example, to gain a better understanding of the wishes of specific groups of students. To do this, they request a linking file to link your answers to your personal information. If your university or university of applied sciences has requested a linking file, you will be asked if you consent to your answers being linked to your information at the end of the questionnaire. If you do not consent, your answers will be anonymised before they are sent to your institute of higher education.
Do you process Special Categories of Personal Data or sensitive personal data?
The National Student Survey questionnaire includes a block of questions entitled Studying with a support need. The answers you give in this blok are considered to be sensitive personal data. For this reason the information is sent to your institute of higher education in a separate file. Depending on your answers, your school or university may know your identity from this block of questions only. You will be informed about this at the start of this block of questions. By means of a separate consent question you will be asked to expressly agree to your sensitive personal data being processed.
The Dutch Expert Centre on Inclusive Education (ECIO) also receives a copy of this data. ECIO uses the data for purposes of research and informing prospective students on higher education course programmes. The file Landelijk Centrum Studiekeuze sends to ECIO does NOT include personal data that can be traced back to you. The file your institute of higher education receives MAY include personal data that can be traced back to you.
Are you sharing personal information?
Landelijk Centrum Studiekeuze processes participating students’ questionnaire results (without including email addresses) to create anonymised products and/or data files. These products and files are not traceable to individuals. Examples of these products are Landelijk Centrum Studiekeuze’s degree programme database (Studiekeuzedatabase – information in Dutch) with the average satisfaction rates for each degree programme. Landelijk Centrum Studiekeuze also publishes the National Student Survey public benchmark file Information in Dutch), which comprises all results, anonymised on an individual student level, for detailed analyses.
Landelijk Centrum Studiekeuze does not transfer personal data to third parties without the explicit permission of the person concerned. The Dutch Expert Centre on Inclusive Education (ECIO) will receive a copy of the answers to the ‘Studying with a support need’ block of questions for purposes of research and informing prospective students on higher education course programmes. The file Landelijk Centrum Studiekeuze sends to ECIO does NOT include personal data that can be traced back to you. ECIO only publishes aggregated data in the form of anonymised products.
How do I view, correct or remove my data?
Each student who participates in the NSE has the right to view, correct or delete their personal data while the study is in progress. You also have the right to later retract your consent for this data to be used and the right to object to the processing of your personal data. You also have the right to data portability. This means that you allow a designated person or organisation to view the personal data that Landelijk Centrum Studiekeuze has about you.
Read more on how to submit such a request on the Viewing, correcting or removing data page.
Contact regarding the NSE and privacy
Do you need more information on how your personal data is processed and how your privacy is protected while the NSE is conducted? Or do you have queries, tips or complaints about the way Landelijk Centrum Studiekeuze handles questions of privacy and personal data?
You also have the possibility of filing a complaint with the Dutch Data Protection Authority (information in Dutch) regarding your privacy in relation to the execution of the NSE.

Start page National Student Survey | Results NSE | General FAQ about the NSE