Accountability National Student Survey
The National Student Survey (NSE) is organised by and the responsibility of Landelijk Centrum Studiekeuze. The Dutch research institute MWM2 carries out the survey and the associated research. In the annual research accountability report, you can read more about how the survey was organised and which choices were made.

2024 National Student Survey Accountability report
Each year, Landelijk Centrum Studiekeuze and the MWM2 research institute publish a research accountability report detailing the process of the National Student Survey and research. This report covers aspects such as the technical frameworks that have been used, how the data is cleaned, how files are processed, and the communications activities that were carried out prior to, during, and after the National Student Survey.
The 2025 National Student Survey Accountability Report is expected to be available from mid-July.
About Landelijk Centrum Studiekeuze
In March 2020, the collection and distribution of information on education choices as well as research into student satisfaction and involvement was formalised in the Higher Education and Scientific Research Act (WHW) as a public and legal duty (art. 7.15a WHW). Landelijk Centrum Studiekeuze (formerly Stichting Studiekeuze123) has been tasked to execute this act, which includes bearing the responsibility for the National Student Survey.
To be able to organise the survey from a position of independence, Landelijk Centrum Studiekeuze is subsidised for the National Student Survey by the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science. This serves one of Landelijk Centrum Studiekeuze’s most essential goals: publishing reliable and comparable information about courses, degree programmes and available options in higher education.
About MWM2
The National Student Survey and the associated research are carried out by the Dutch research institute MWM2. MWM2 is bound by the Code of Conduct for Research and Statistics as drawn up for members of the MOA Expertise Centre for Marketing Insights, Research and Analytics, which includes a statement of approval by the Dutch Data Protection Authority (CBP) and is in line with international codes of conduct as composed by ESOMAR.

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