About the NSE
The National Student Survey (NSE) is a nationwide survey on student satisfaction. Every year, almost all students in Dutch higher education are invited to participate and share their opinions about their course programmes and educational institutions.
Why participate in the National Student Survey?
The NSE results show what students think of their course programmes and educational institutions. What do they appreciate and where do they see room for improvement? That’s very useful information if you’re deciding on a course programme that’s right for you. And who better to judge a programme than the students who are already enrolled? Plus, the student opinions gathered through the NSE also help institutions assess how they can improve their course programmes.
In recent years, massive numbers of students have participated in the NSE. You can find all of their opinions if you go to the course programme pages on Studiekeuze123.nl. Students who fill out the NSE are all eligible to win one of many great prizes as an extra thank-you for participating.”

Which institutes of higher education participate?
Every NVAO-accredited university and university of applied sciences in the Netherlands can participate in the NSE. Around 70 institutions, both publicly funded and non-publicly funded, participate each year.
What topics are covered?
The NSE questionnaire covers various fundamental aspects of a course programme, such as ‘Overall satisfaction’, ‘Teachers’, ‘Content and organisation of teaching’, ‘Programme connection to professional practice’ and ‘Studying with a disability’.
In addition to these questions, institutions can choose several other topics to add to their questionnaires, such as ‘Programme schedules’, ‘Internships’, ‘Study facilities’, ‘Student participation’ and ‘Equal treatment’.
Who’s responsible for the National Student Survey?
The Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science has assessed that objective information about institutes of higher education and the course programmes they offer can contribute to the quality and transparency of Dutch higher education. It is on the basis of that assessment that Landelijk Centrum Studiekeuze has been assigned the task of organising the National Student Survey. To this end, Landelijk Centrum Studiekeuze works closely with student organisations and Dutch institutes of higher education. The Dutch research institute MWM2 carries out the survey and the associated research.
Nationale Studenten Enquête® is registered as a trademark with Benelux Office for Intellectual Property (BOIP) by Landelijk Centrum Studiekeuze.

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